¿Cómo se forma el Pasado Continuo en inglés?
(I was doing, you were working…)
– Explicación simple con ejemplos y ejercicios –
En esta lección vamos a estudiar el Pasado Continuo (Past Continuous en inglés), también llamado pretérito progresivo o pasado progresivo.
El presente simple (I do) tiene su presente continuo (I am doing).
El pasado simple (I did) por lo tanto tiene su pasado continuo (I was doing).
Por lo tanto, nos centraremos aquí en el pasado continuo (o past continuous en inglés). A veces se llama pasado progresivo (past progressive), pretérito continuo o pretérito progresivo, pero no me malinterprete, ¡es exactamente lo mismo!
1/ Formación del Pasado Continuo en inglés:
‘to be’ al pasado simple (WAS / WERE) + basa verbal+ ING
- I / he / she / it was playing, having, moving…
- we / you / they were doing, reading, writing…
2/ ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el past simple y el Pasado Continuo?
Mira el siguiente ejemplo:
- Past simple: I had lunch at noon yesterday → Almorcé al mediodía ayer.
- Past continuous: I was having lunch at noon yesterday → Estaba almorzando al mediodía ayer.
3/ ¿Para qué se usa el Pasado Continuo en inglés?
En español se puede traducir como ‘estar en el proceso de…’ (en el pasado)
>> Lo usamos para hablar sobre una acción en progreso en un momento pasado:
- We were waiting at the café.
>> Para decir que una acción en progreso ha sido interrumpida (hay entonces el past simple en la oración):
- I was drinking at the bar when she called me.
- I hurt my leg while I was running in the park.
- He phoned me when we were having lunch.
- It was snowing when I went out.
>> Cuando dos acciones ocurrieron al mismo tiempo, sin tener ninguna influencia entre ellas (a menudo se utiliza «while»):
- John was watching TV while Linda was reading a book.
- I was studying while he was making dinner.
- While Dave was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
- What were you doing while you were waiting?
- They were drinking beer, talking about life, and having fun.
>> Acciones pasadas que irritan al hablante:
- Bob was always complaining.
- She was constantly repeating the same story.
>> Acciones pasadas que se repetían a menudo:
- He was jogging around the lake every day.
>> Para describir a una persona en el pasado:
- When I saw him he was wearing a hat.
- The thief was wearing a black hood.
4/ El Pasado Continuo en frases negativas:
- I was not talking to you (= I wasn’t talking to you)
- You were not playing football (= You weren’t playing football)
- They were not dancing at the party (= They weren’t dancing at the party)
5/ Hacer preguntas al Pasado Continuo:
- Was I playing football ?
- Why were you not watching football ?
- What were they doing when the show started?
6/ Forma activa/pasiva
- The thief was stealing the diamond when the police arrived (Activa)
- The diamond was being stolen by the thief when the police arrived (Pasiva)
⚠️ Algunos verbos no se utilizan normalmente en el Pasado Continuo (ni tampoco en el presente continuo) con algunas excepciones. La lista no está completa pero aquí están los principales:
love / like / know / want / need / seem / mean / prefer / belong / understand / consist / suppose / remember / realise / forget / notice…
- I needed to go to the doctor (y no ‘I was needing…’)
- I loved this movie ! (y no ‘I was loving this movie‘)
- We wanted to go out but it was raining (y no ‘we were wanting…’)
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