El Pasado Perfecto Continuo en Inglés (Past Perfect Continuous ) PDF

¿Cómo se forma el Pasado Perfecto Continuo en inglés?

(I had been playing…)

– Explicación simple , ejemplos y ejercicios –



El pasado perfecto continuo (o past perfect continuous) también se llama pasado perfecto progresivo o pasado perfecto en be+ing.

  • When I went outside this morning the ground was wet. It had been raining.
  • = Cuando salí esta mañana el suelo estaba mojado. Había llovido.
  • We had been playing football for ten minutes when it started to rain.
  • = Llevábamos diez minutos jugando al fútbol cuando empezó a llover. 

1/ Estructura

sujeto + had been + base verbal + ing

Afirmativo Negativo Pregunta
 I / you / he / she / we / you / they_    … had been playing_  … had not (hadn’t) been playing_  Had … been playing ?_


  • (+) She had been travelling for one month when she finally arrived in Mexico.
  • (?) Had she been travelling for one month when she finally arrived in Mexico?
  • (-) She had not been travelling for one month when she finally arrived in Mexico.

2/ Uso

* Algo que comenzó en el pasado y continuó hasta otra acción o evento pasado (en combinación con el pasado simple):

  • Carol had been saving money for more than a year before she left for Canada.
  • How long had you been studying Japanese before you moved to Osaka ?
  • How long had he been watching TV when he felt asleep ?
  • We had been trying to open the door for five minutes when Peter found the key.
  • Bruce wanted to walk because he had been sitting all day at work.
  • How long had you been waiting before the bus arrived ?
  • They had been talking for over an hour before Kat arrived.
  • Phil had been working at that restaurant for two years when it went out of business.

* La causa y el efecto de algo en el pasado

Puedes ver el resultado de algo que ocurrió (puedes usar «because»).

  • Tom was very tired. He had been running.
  • = Tom was tired because he had been running.
  • Tina gained weight because she had been eating too much.
  • Somebody had been smokingI could smell tobacco.
  • I was disappointed when she canceled the trip. I had been looking forward to spend some time with her.
  • Agustín was crying because he had been fighting with his brother.

* Discurso indirecto

  • ‘I was working late in the garage last night.’ → Roberto told them he had been working late in the garage last night.
  • ‘I have been partying all night.’ → Emmanuela said she had been partying all night.

3/ Notas

⚠️ Past Continuous o Past Perfect Continuous ?

Con el past perfect continuous, la duración de la acción es más importante, mientras que con el past continuous es la acción misma la que es más importante.

Sin embargo, si no especificamos la duración (for 45 minutes, for one week, since Friday…) muchos angloparlantes prefieren usar el past continuous.

  • Past continuous →   We were playing tennis when it started raining.

Cuando jugamos al tenis empezó a llover. La atención se centra en lo que estábamos haciendo cuando empezó a llover (es decir, el juego de tenis).

  • Past perfect continuous →   We had been playing tennis (for 45 minutes) when it started raining.

Habíamos estado jugando al tenis durante un tiempo, o simplemente habíamos parado, cuando empezó a llover. El énfasis está en la duración de la acción (aquí el juego de tenis).

⚠️ Algunos verbos no toman la forma continua:

Estos son principalmente verbos abstractos o verbos relacionados con un estado mental.

like / love / hate / prefer / need / want / belong / contain / fit / consist / seem / realise / know / believe / imagine / understand / remember 

  • Chris had been wanting to travel around the world before he died.  ❌
  • Chris had wanted to travel around the world before he died. ✔️

⚠️ No hay pasado perfecto continuo para el verbo ser (to be):

Had been being es simplemente sustituido por had been

  • Sam had been being very happy because he won to the lottery.

⚠️ El lugar de los adverbios

Los adverbios se colocan antes de been: always, only, just, never, ever, still, etc.

  • He had just been waiting there for two minutes when the train arrived.
  • Had he just been waiting there for two minutes when the train arrived ?

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