Los pronombres en inglés | Ejercicio online
Encuentra los pronombres de objeto apropiados en las respuestas a las siguientes preguntas:
Do you live with your parents? → Yes, I live with them.
How often do you talk to your father? → I talk to him every night.
- Do you play with your brother? → No, I don’t play with .
- Do you want to watch a movie with Jim and I? → Yes, I want to watch a movie with .
- Do your friends like you? → Yes, they like .
- How often do you brush your teeth? → I brush twice a day.
- Do your grandparents visit you? → Yes, they visit often.
- Where do you buy your groceries? → I buy at the supermarket.
- Do you like spiders? → No, I don’t like .
- When do you visit your grandfather? → I visit on Saturday.
- Do your friends like Maggie? → Yes, they like .
- Do you believe in ghosts? → No, I don’t believe in .