Los pronombres demostrativos en inglés | Ejercicio
Complete las siguientes oraciones con this, that, these o those:
Where are — this that these those shoes you bought for me?
— This That These Those is the first time I have ever seen an eclipse.
— This That These Those apples were rotten so I threw them away.
Just look at — this that these those car over there !
I’m so happy ! I’ll remember — this that these those day for the rest of my life!
‘He sent me some flowers’ ‘— This That These Those was nice of him’
‘I think — this that these those books will interest you.’
I’ll never forget — this that these those moment when I broke my leg.
On — this that these those day, he was really sick, but he’s feeling better — this that these those week.
I like — this that these those pink shirt, but I hate — this that these those horrible trousers.
Hello, — this that these those is Matt speaking. Is — this that these those Sarah?
Look at — this that these those children here, on the right. They look so happy.
Look at — this that these those mountains in the background, they are so beautiful!
— This That These Those walls were built in 1650.
Take a look at — this that these those poster, over there!
Where are those shoes you bought for me?
This is the first time I have ever seen an eclipse.
Those apples were rotten so I threw them away.
Just look at that car over there !
I’m so happy ! I’ll remember this day for the rest of my life!
‘He sent me some flowers’ ‘ That was nice of him’
‘I think these books will interest you.’
I’ll never forget that moment when I broke my leg.
On that day, he was really sick, but he’s feeling better this week.
I like this pink shirt, but I hate those horrible trousers.
Hello, this is Matt speaking. Is that Sarah?
Look at these children here, on the right. They look so happy.
Look at those mountains in the background, they are so beautiful!
These walls were built in 1650.
Take a look at that poster, over there!