¿Cuáles son los verbos relacionados con la cocina en inglés?
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La lista completa de los verbos en inglés sobre el tema de la cocina: ¡todas las palabras que necesitas aprender para hablar inglés!
añadir | to add |
aceitar | to oil |
afilar | to shred |
agarrar con fuego | to sear |
agitar | to shake |
alargar una salsa | to thin a sauce |
alisar | to smooth |
almacenar | to store |
amasar | to knead |
aplanar | to flatten |
aplastar, reducir en puré | to mash |
apretar | to tighten |
aprovechamiento | to grab |
ardor | to braise |
aromatizar | to aromatize, to flavor |
asar/ tostar | to roast |
asar pescado a la parrilla | to grill fish |
asar, asar a la parrilla | to grill |
atar | to tie, to tie up |
atenuar | to sieve |
azotar | to whip |
bajar | to tilt |
bajar el fuego | to turn down the heat |
batir las claras de huevo en nieve | to whip (up) the eggwhites |
batir, azotar (los huevos) | to beat, to whisk (eggs) |
borrón | to thin out the leaves |
bucear | to plunge |
calentar | to heat, to warm up |
recalentar | to reheat |
cincelar | to chisel |
cocer | to stew |
cocer, cocer a fuego lento/ estremecerse | to simmer |
cocinar | to cook |
cocinar en la hoguera | to barbecue |
colocar | to place |
colorear | to colour |
compartir | to share |
completar | to complete |
condimentar | to season |
confeccionar | to prepare, to make |
contar | to count |
continuar | to continue to |
cortar | to cut |
cortar (en rodajas) / cortar/ cortar | to slice |
cortar en cubos | to dice, to cube |
cortar la carne | to carve (meat) |
cortar por la mitad | to halve |
cubrir | to cover |
dar forma | to shape |
débitar | to debit |
decolorar | to unshell |
decorar | to decorate |
dejar de lado | to discard |
denunciar | to pit |
derretir/ derretir | to melt |
descansar | to rest |
descascarillar | to shell |
descongelar | to deglaze |
desempolvar | to disgorge |
deshilachar | to unravel |
deshuesar | to debone |
desmoldear | to unmould |
dessaler | to desalinate |
detallar | to detail |
disolver, diluir | to dilute, to dissolve |
disponer | to dispose |
dividir | to split |
ebarber | to trim |
eliminar | to get rid of |
desmenuzar | to crumble |
emisar | to cut into thin slices |
empezar de nuevo, reiniciar | to restart |
emulsionar | to emulsify |
enfriar | to cool down |
enjuagar | to rinse |
entregar | to hand over |
envolver | to wrap up |
escalfar los huevos | to poach eggs |
escalfar pescado | to poach fish |
escamas | to scale |
escurrir | to drain |
girar | to spin |
escurrir la pasta | to drain pasta |
esparcir | to seed |
espesante | to thicken |
espolvorear | to sprinkle |
esponja | to sponge |
espumar | to skim |
etcétera | to steam |
eviscerar | to scoop out |
untar | to spread |
extender | to expand |
filtrar | to filter |
flexibilizar | to soften |
freír en aceite, freír | to fry |
frotar | to rub |
girar | to turn |
hacer blanquear las verduras | to blanch |
hacer eructar la carne | to roast meat |
hacer estremecer | to bring to a simmer |
hacer flamber | to flambé |
hacer huevos con cáscara | to boil eggs |
hacer la vajilla | to do the dishes, to do the washing-up |
hacer marrón cebollas | to brown onions |
hacer tostadas con pan | to toast |
harina | to flour |
helar | to frost |
hervir/ hacer hervir | to boil |
hornear | to place in the oven |
hornear en el horno, gratiner | to bake |
imponer | to garnish |
incorporar | to incorporate |
infuser | to infuse |
iniciar | to open |
intentar | to remove stems |
lavar | to wash |
levantar | to raise |
limpiar | to clean up |
limpiar los platos | to dry up |
limpiar un líquido | to mop up, to wipe (off) |
limpiar, limpiar, limpiar | to wipe (to clean with a sponge) |
llenar | to fill in |
macerar | to macerate |
malaxer | to knead |
mantel, cubrir con mantel | to coat |
mantener el calor | to keep warm |
mezclar | to mix |
moler, apilar, aplastar | to grind |
ordenar | to tidy, to sort |
pagar | to pour |
paner | to bread, to coat with breadcrumbs |
pasar | to pass |
pegar | to paste |
pelar/ pelar | to peel |
pellizcar | to pinch |
perfumar | to perfume |
peso | to weigh |
picado (de la carne), picado | to chop, to mince |
picar | to sting |
pimentar, sazonar con pimienta | to pepper |
plantear | to pose |
podar | to prune |
poner | to put |
poner la cubierta | to lay the table |
precaliente el horno | to preheat the oven |
preparar | to prepare |
preparar la comida | to prepare the meal |
presentar | to present |
presionar | to press |
probar | to taste |
proteger | to protect |
quitar | to remove |
rallar | to grate, to shred |
raspar | to scrape |
recaudar | to collect |
rectificar | to correct |
reducir | to reduce |
reducir el fuego | to lower the temperature |
refrescar | to refresh |
regar | to water |
regar con aceite | to drizzle with oil |
rehogar a fuego lento | to brown/ to fry lightly |
relajar | to loosen |
rellenar | to stuff |
remover, mezclar | to stir |
repartir | to distribute, to divide |
reservar | to reserve |
restaurar | to restore |
retire | to remove |
reunir | to gather |
rodar | to roll |
salar | to salt |
salir | to get out |
saltear verduras con guisantes | to stir-fry vegetables |
sazonar (sal, pimienta, especias) | to add salt, pepper, spices (to season) |
secar | to dry, to dry out |
separar | to separate |
servir | to serve |
subir el fuego | to turn up the heat |
sumergirse | to dip, to soak |
tapisser | to upholster |
timbrar | to warm |
tirar | to throw, to discard |
tomar | to take |
triturar, aplastar | to crush |
untar | to brush |
untar con mantequilla | to butter |
untar con mantequilla un molde | to grease a baking tin with butter |
vaciar | to empty |
vaciar (un pescado, un pollo) | to gut (a fish, a chicken) |
volcar (un plato) | to spill (a dish) |
volver | to flip |