Las preposiciones ingl茅s – Ejercicio

Las preposiciones ingl茅s – Ejercicio

Complete las siguientes oraciones con la preposici贸n apropiada:聽

  1. He prefers to work 聽a farm.
  2. They will return sunset.
  3. He is walking 聽the station.
  4. There’s nothing 聽my bag.
  5. She is angry me.
  6. His father聽died 聽cancer.
  7. She is 聽home.
  8. Why don’t you come ?
  9. She will come 聽Christmas day.
  10. I write 聽a pen.

  1. He prefers to work on a farm.
  2. They will return at sunset.
  3. He is walking towards the station.
  4. There’s nothing inside my bag.
  5. She is angry with me.
  6. His father聽died of聽cancer.
  7. She is at home.
  8. Why don’t you come inside?
  9. She will come on Christmas day.
  10. I write with a pen.

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