Ejercicios de Vocabulario inglés: Carácter y Personalidad
Completa las frases con las expresiones apropiadas:
1. I think Mark took some money from my bag while we were out.
> No, he’s to do a thing like that.
2. I’m still waiting for Lisa to say sorry for sending that fax to the wrong address.
> You’ll wait a long time! Lisa’s to admit anything‘s her fault.
3. Jenny left a window open when she went out this morning. Anybody could’ve got in.
> Are you sure it was jenny. She’s to do anything like that.
4. Apparently, Amy asked Tom if he’d like to go out tomorrow night.
> I don’t believe you. She’s to ask a boy out!
5. Julie got the highest mark in the class, but she didn’t say a word.
> No, she wouldn’t. She’s to say anything about it.
6. I thought Martin was a good friend but he’s been telling everybody that I’m boring.
> Are you sure? Martin’s to say something like that behind your back.
1. I think Mark took some money from my bag while we were out. > No, he’s far too honest to do a thing like that.
2. I’m still waiting for Lisa to say sorry for sending that fax to the wrong address. > You’ll wait a long time! Lisa’s much too proud to admit anything‘s her fault.
3. Jenny left a window open when she went out this morning. Anybody could’ve got in. > Are you sure it was jenny. She’s far too sensible to do anything like that.
4. Apparently, Amy asked Tom if he’d like to go out tomorrow night. > I don’t believe you. She’s much too shy to ask a boy out!
5. Julie got the highest mark in the class, but she didn’t say a word. > No, she wouldn’t. She’s far too modest to say anything about it.
6. I thought Martin was a good friend but he’s been telling everybody that I’m boring. > Are you sure? Martin’s much too loyal to say something like that behind your back.
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