Ejercicio ingl茅s: Las preposiciones

Las preposiciones ingl茅s – Ejercicio

Complete las siguientes oraciones con la preposici贸n apropiada:聽

  1. The train was travelling 聽300 KMPH.
  2. There’s a traitor us.
  3. Let’s go 聽bus.
  4. I’ve heard this 聽.
  5. I’ve run out 聽money.
  6. Plants die 聽water.
  7. I need four聽pieces 聽paper.
  8. There are several ways 聽cooking fish.
  9. She lives London.
  10. They are 聽holiday.

  1. The train was travelling at聽300 KMPH.
  2. There’s a traitor among us.
  3. Let’s go by bus.
  4. I’ve heard this before.
  5. I’ve run out of money.
  6. Plants die without water.
  7. I need four聽pieces of paper.
  8. There are several ways of cooking fish.
  9. She lives in London.
  10. They are on holiday.

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