Ejercicio de inglés: El Presente Perfecto (Present perfect)

Ejercicio de inglés: El Presente Perfecto

Ponga los verbos en el presente perfecto (I have been, he has played…):

  1. They  (travel) to Japan.
  2. The dog  (break) the TV.
  3. He (buy) a new TV.  => Forma negativa
  4. She (eat) the pizza. => Forma negativa
  5. I  (cut) my finger.
  6. The match  (start).
  7. They (play) soccer. => Forma negativa
  8. He  (hurt) his leg.
  9. He  (answer) the phone.
  10. An accident    (happen).
  11. Tom  (finish) her work.
  12. She  (drink) a lot of beer.
  13. Simon  (pass) his exam.
  14. She (see) the car. => Forma negativa
  15. He (study) for the test. => Forma negativa
  16. They  (win).
  17. Sam  (make) a cake.
  18. I  (make) my bed.
  19. I  (break) my leg.
  20. She  (write) a poem.

  1. have travelled
  2. have broken
  3. hasn’t bought
  4. hasn’t eaten
  5. have cut
  6. has started
  7. haven’t played
  8. has hurt
  9. has answered
  10. has happened
  11. has finished
  12. has drunk
  13. has passed
  14. hasn’t seen
  15. hasn’t studied
  16. have won
  17. has made
  18. have made
  19. have broken
  20. has written

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