Ejercicio con los pronombres personales sujetos en inglés

Ejercicio con los pronombres personales sujetos en inglés

Cambie los sujetos en pronombres de sujeto:


My grandpa is nice. → He is nice.
You and your brother are lazy. → You are lazy.

  1. This game is fun. →   is fun.
  2. The students are smart. →   are smart.
  3. Is this seat free? → Is  free?
  4. This place is famous. →   is famous.
  5. The girls are Canadian. →   are Canadian.
  6. Samantha is from London. →   is from London.
  7. The shoes are dirty. →   are dirty.
  8. You and I love each other. →   love each other.
  9. You and your friend are kind. →   are kind.
  10. The man is crying. →   is crying.


  1. It is fun.
  2. They are smart.
  3. Is it free?
  4. It is famous.
  5. They are Canadian.
  6. She is from London.
  7. They are dirty.
  8. We love each other.
  9. You are kind.
  10. He is crying.

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