Categoría: Ejercicios Inglés

Ejercicio inglés: los sustantivos compuestos

Ejercicio inglés: los sustantivos compuestos

Formar sustantivos compuestos de una sola palabra utilizando la siguiente lista:

  • star | card | book | proof | berries | guard | pack | walk | light | ache | board | flower | keeper | moon | corn


  1. cross
  2. moon
  3. skate
  4. sun
  5. honey
  6. pop
  7. house
  8. super
  9. note
  10. black
  11. post
  12. water
  13. head
  14. life
  15. back

  1. crosswalk
  2. moonlight
  3. skateboard
  4. sunflower
  5. honeymoon
  6. popcorn
  7. housekeeper
  8. superstar
  9. notebook
  10. blackberries
  11. postcard
  12. waterproof
  13. headache
  14. lifeguard
  15. backpack

Ejercicio: los sustantivos compuestos en inglés

Ejercicio: los sustantivos compuestos en inglés

Formar sustantivos compuestos abiertos (es decir, con un espacio entre las dos palabras que lo componen) utilizando la siguiente lista:

  • attack | estate | goods | rights | penalty | hostel | moon | clock | card | control | force | line | donor | lens | pressure
  1. alarm 
  2. assembly
  3. full
  4. contact
  5. credit
  6. birth
  7. blood
  8. heart
  9. death
  10. real
  11. labour
  12. blood
  13. luxury
  14. human
  15. youth

  1. alarm clock
  2. assembly line
  3. full moon
  4. contact lens
  5. credit card
  6. birth control
  7. blood pressure
  8. heart attack
  9. death penalty
  10. real estate
  11. labour force
  12. blood donor
  13. luxury goods
  14. human rights
  15. youth hostel

Ejercicio: los sustantivos compuestos en inglés

Ejercicio: los sustantivos compuestos en inglés

Formar sustantivos compuestos de una sola palabra utilizando la siguiente lista:

  • road | print | track | writing | pick | light | line | watch | case | dresser | boy | pocket | fly | tail | dog
  1. dead
  2. hair
  3. stop
  4. suit
  5. cow
  6. pick
  7. pig
  8. watch
  9. cross
  10. foot
  11. sound
  12. fire
  13. hand
  14. tooth
  15. head

  1. deadline 
  2. hairdresser
  3. stopwatch
  4. suitcase
  5. cowboy
  6. pickpocket
  7. pigtail
  8. watchdog
  9. crossroad
  10. footprint
  11. soundtrack
  12. firefly
  13. handwriting
  14. toothpick
  15. headlight

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ponga los siguientes sustantivos en singular:    Ej: garages → garage

  1. days →
  2. men →
  3. bases →
  4. thieves →
  5. roofs →
  6. cliffs →
  7. sheep → 
  8. cities →
  9. lamps →
  10. fish →
  11. sandwiches →
  12. children →

  1. days → day
  2. men → man
  3. bases → base
  4. thieves → thief
  5. roofs → roof
  6. cliffs → cliff
  7. sheep → sheep
  8. cities → city
  9. lamps → lamp
  10. fish → fish
  11. sandwiches → sandwich
  12. children → child

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ponga los siguientes sustantivos en plural:    Ej: park → parks

  1. mouse →
  2. child →
  3. toothbrush →
  4. toy →
  5. exercise →
  6. fly →
  7. furniture →
  8. agency →
  9. mother →
  10. library → 


  1. mouse → mice
  2. child → children
  3. toothbrush → toothbrushes
  4. toy → toys
  5. exercise → exercises
  6. fly → flies
  7. furniture → furniture
  8. agency → agencies
  9. mother → mothers
  10. library → libraries

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ponga los siguientes sustantivos en singular:    Ej: garages → garage

  1. horses →
  2. dresses →
  3. rivers →
  4. mothers-in-law →
  5. buses →
  6. teachers →
  7. gardens →
  8. scarfs →
  9. products → 
  10. babies →

  1. horses → horse
  2. dresses → dress
  3. rivers → river
  4. mothers-in-law → mother-in-law
  5. buses → bus
  6. teachers → teacher
  7. gardens → garden
  8. scarfs → scarf
  9. products → product
  10. babies → baby

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ejercicio inglés | El plural de los sustantivos

Ponga los siguientes sustantivos en plural:    Ej: park → parks

  1. uncle →
  2. area →
  3. hat →
  4. office →
  5. church →
  6. carpet →
  7. store →
  8. teacher →
  9. friend →
  10. door →
  11. dish → 
  12. bush →
  13. copy → 
  14. Japanese →
  15. fireman →


  1. uncle → uncles
  2. area → areas
  3. hat → hats
  4. office → offices
  5. church → churches
  6. carpet → carpets
  7. store → stores
  8. teacher → teachers
  9. friend → friends
  10. door → doors
  11. dish → dishes
  12. bush → bushes
  13. copy → copies
  14. Japanese → Japanese
  15. fireman → firemen

Ejercicio inglés online: Los pronombres indefinidos

Los pronombres indefinidos – Ejercicio inglés online

Elija la respuesta correcta:

  1. I left my passport  at the party last night.
  2. We’re not going  with this weather.
  3. The key was  to be found.
  4. I forgot my glasses … have you seen them?
  5. I have  to hide, He’s going to find me !
  6. Tom can sleep  when he’s drunk.
  7. I have  else to go now, so I’ll wait for the bus with you.
  8. There must be a restaurant  around here.
  9. Let’s go talk  quiet.
  10. I can work  I want, I’m a free entrepreneur.
  11. I have  to spend the night. Can I stay here tonight?
  12. Sit down  you want.
  13. Never go  alone. You have to wait for me.
  14. Can you do this  else?
  15. My phone must be  around here.

  1. I left my passport somewhere at the party last night.
  2. We’re not going anywhere with this weather.
  3. The key was nowhere to be found.
  4. I forgot my glasses somewhere… have you seen them?
  5. I have nowhere to hide, He’s going to find me !
  6. Tom can sleep anywhere when he’s drunk.
  7. I have nowhere else to go now, so I’ll wait for the bus with you.
  8. There must be a restaurant somewhere around here.
  9. Let’s go talk somewhere quiet.
  10. I can work anywhere I want, I’m a free entrepreneur.
  11. I have nowhere to spend the night. Can I stay here tonight?
  12. Sit down anywhere you want.
  13. Never go anywhere alone. You have to wait for me.
  14. Can you do this somewhere else? 
  15. My phone must be somewhere around here.

Ejercicio inglés online: Los pronombres indefinidos

Los pronombres indefinidos – Ejercicio inglés online

Elija la respuesta correcta:

  1. I’ve heard . I must be deaf.
  2.  can control us !
  3. ‘s saying that she was drunk last night, but I know it’s a lie.
  4. Is  OK?
  5. She didn’t visit  this week-end, she just stayed at home.
  6. Is there  wrong with my hair?
  7. Take  you want. It’s free.
  8. Did you see  there?
  9. I have  but admiration for people who can speak several languages.
  10. Don’t worry, I’ll find  else to look after my dog.
  11. I heard a noise but there was  there.
  12. She hardly ate  for dinner.
  13.  likes her because she’s very kind.
  14. When he spoke,  became silent.
  15. When we travel, we always want to try  new to eat.


  1. I’ve heard nothing. I must be deaf.
  2. Nobody can control us !
  3. Everybody’s saying that she was drunk last night, but I know it’s a lie.
  4. Is everything OK?
  5. She didn’t visit anybody this week-end, she just stayed at home.
  6. Is there something wrong with my hair?
  7. Take anything you want. It’s free.
  8. Did you see anybody there?
  9. I have nothing but admiration for people who can speak several languages.
  10. Don’t worry, I’ll find somebody else to look after my dog.
  11. I heard a noise but there was nobody there.
  12. She hardly ate anything for dinner.
  13. Everybody likes her because she’s very kind.
  14. When he spoke, everybody became silent.
  15. When we travel, we always want to try something new to eat.

Ejercicio inglés online: Los pronombres indefinidos

Los pronombres indefinidos – Ejercicio inglés online

Elija la respuesta correcta:

  1. I gently closed the door so as not to disturb .
  2.  was murdered in that street last night.
  3.  always asks me that.
  4. Do you have  you need?
  5. I have  better to do.
  6. I want  sweet. Do you have ice cream?
  7. Do you have  cheaper?
  8. It was so cheap, it ‘s like he gave it to me for !
  9.  knows where he has gone. We can’t find him.
  10. I saw  kiss Tom, I think it was Claire.
  11. I’ll do  I can to get in shape.
  12. Tom didn’t mean to hurt .
  13. Has  happened?
  14. We will do  for you.
  15.  I know prefers chocolate to vanilla.

  1. I gently closed the door so as not to disturb anybody.
  2. Somebody was murdered in that street last night.
  3. Everybody always asks me that.
  4. Do you have everything you need?
  5. I have nothing better to do.
  6. I want something sweet. Do you have ice cream?
  7. Do you have anything cheaper?
  8. It was so cheap, it ‘s like he gave it to me for nothing !
  9. Nobody knows where he has gone. We can’t find him.
  10. I saw somebody kiss Tom, I think it was Claire.
  11. I’ll do everything I can to get in shape.
  12. Tom didn’t mean to hurt anybody.
  13. Has something happened?
  14. We will do anything for you.
  15. Everybody I know prefers chocolate to vanilla.