Los antónimos en inglés
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La lista completa de los antónimos en inglés: ¡Todas las palabras que necesitas aprender para hablar inglés!
joven | young |
viejo | old |
vacío | empty |
pleno | full |
vertical | vertical |
horizontal | horizontal |
útil | useful |
innecesaria | useless |
una ciudad | a city / a town |
un pueblo | a village |
una cuestión | a question |
una respuesta | an answer |
triste | sad |
alegre | happy |
todo | everything |
nada | nothing |
profesor | professor |
estudiante | student |
tempranas | early |
tarde | late |
abierto | open |
cerrado | closed |
primera | first |
pasado | last |
seguro | safe |
peligrosos | dangerous |
cerca, cerca | near / close |
lejos | far |
azúcar | sugar |
sal | salt |
seco | dry |
húmedo, húmedo, húmedo | wet, humid |
frecuentemente | often |
raramente | seldom |
siempre | always |
nunca | never |
semejante | same |
diferente | different |
sucio | dirty |
propia | clean |
por la noche | evening |
por la mañana | morning |
pequeño | small / little |
grande | tall |
rico | rich |
pobre | poor |
el techo | the ceiling |
el suelo | the ground |
animal | animal |
humano | human |
culpable | guilty |
inocente | innocent |
aquí | here |
allí | there |
el hambre | hunger |
la sed | thirst |
el sol | the sun |
la luna | the moon |
la hermana | sister |
el hermano | brother |
la paz | peace |
la guerra | war |
minúscula | tiny |
gigantesca | huge |
pesado | heavy |
ligero | light |
antiguo | ancient |
nuevo | new |
fácil | easy |
difícil | difficult / hard |
empezar | begin |
terminar | finish |
amigo | friend |
enemigo | enemy |
ayer | yesterday |
mañana | tomorrow |
gruesos | thick |
fin | thin |
la entrada | entrance |
la salida | exit |
frío | cool / cold |
caliente | warm / hot |
derecha | right |
izquierda | left |
una mujer | a woman |
un hombre | a man |
en el interior | inside |
en el exterior | outside |
lentos | slow |
rápida | fast |
casado | married |
soltero | single |
falso | wrong |
real | true |
sí | yes |
no | no |
profunda | deep |
poco profunda | shallow |
bueno | good |
malo | bad |
fuerte | strong |
débil | weak |
dulce | soft |
duro | hard |
mucho | a lot of / many |
poco | few |
arriba | up |
abajo | down |
exactamente | exactly |
aproximadamente/ probablemente | approximately / probably |
antes | before |
después | after |
blanco | white |
negro | black |
caro, caro | expensive |
barato, barato, barato | cheap |
ruidoso | noisy |
calma | calm |
complicado | complicated |
simple | simple |
áspero | rough |
lisa | smooth |
largo | long |
corto | short |
ahora | now |
más adelante | later |
estrecha | narrow |
amplia | wide |
fuera | out, outside |
adentro | in, inside |
luminosa | light |
oscura | dark |
interesante | interesting |
aburrido | boring |
normal | normal |
extraño | strange |
caminar | to walk |
correr | to run |
atar | to attach |
separar | to detach |
montar | to go up |
bajar | to go down |
aumentar | to increase |
disminuyendo | to decrease |
detener | to stop |
continuar | to continue |
despegar | to take off |
aterrizar | to landing |
poner | to put on |
retire | to remove |
avanzar | to move forward |
retroceder | to back up |
olvidar | to forget |
recordar | to remember |
mostrar | to show |
ocultar | to hide |
ahorro | to save money |
gastar | to spend |
construir | to build |
destruir | to destroy |
llegar | to arrive |
partir | to leave |
entrar | to enter |
salir | to go out |
reír | to laugh |
llorar | to cry |
vender | to sell |
comprar | to buy |
romper | to break |
reparar | to fix |
prestar | to lend |
pedir prestado | to borrow |
ganar | to win |
perder | to lose |
ralentizar | to slow down |
acelere | to accelerate |
buscar | to look for |
encontrar | to find |
sacar | to pull |
empujar | to push |
tomar | to take |
dar | to give |
despertar | to wake up |
dormirse | to fall asleep |
mantener | to hold on |
suelta | to release ; to let go |
encender | to turn on |
apagar | to turn off |
vender | to sell |
comprar | to buy |
enviar | to send |
recibir | to receive |