Adjetivos posesivos en inglés | Ejercicio PDF
Reemplaza el pronombre sujeto por un adjetivo posesivo:
- I have a car. car is red.
- I bought this camera for you. It’s camera now.
- Tina has a house. house is very old.
- We own this book. This is book.
- Where do you keep money, in the bank?
- The company provides health care for all of employees.
- Claire sees mother every day.
- I like music too. favourite band is Goldplay.
- I’ve also got two brothers. names are Billy and Tom.
- Miguel is Spanish. family is from Madrid.
- I’m reading a book by Victor Hugo. title is ‘Les Misérables’.
- Sam is not at school. father took him to the doctor.
- Kevin and Paul are waiters. older brother is a famous chef.
- Tommy and I have an English class together. teacher is Ms. Jackson.
- When I was in England I stayed at father’s house.